video is an excellent tool to promote the whole band as well as the star image
of the lead singer. This is done via different types of shots such as close up
of face, medium shot of the whole group, which help to promote the band. While
creating our music clip we were very cautions about these types of shots to be
used and before shooting the clip we researched into different music clips of
our genre bands, thus being more aware of what we need to do
up shot is one of the most used shots in music clips to promote the member of
the band, particularly the lead singer. The close up reveals the facials
expressions as well as the mimics of the singer. It makes the audience to
remember the lead singer, thus helping the promotion of the whole band
the instrument
of the essential parts of music video is making a close up shot of the
instrument, in most cases showing the guitar or the drums. This convention is
first of all supporting the idea of organic band as well as allowing the
guitarist or the drummer to show of while being shot. The third picture on the right is an actual professional guitar player from the band Arctic Monkeys
kind of shot illustrates the whole band performing. It allows audiences to see
how all the members look like together while playing. Moreover it highlights
the star image of the whole band. The second picture is the 1975 group
performing their music clip ‘Girls’.
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